The Charlestown Swimming Pool committee have hit on a novel fundraising venture which they hope will raise some much needed funds for a facility that has taken on a new lease of life in the last number of years.
The pool has been revamped at considerable expense thanks to the hard work of a very dedicated and committed core group of people who have brought great energy and enthusiasm to the project as they continue to press ahead with the next phase of the development which involves considerable expense hence the launch of this major fundraising drive which the committee hope will bring in some much needed revenue to give them the impetus to kick on and move the project on another step or two.
The fundraiser is in the form of a raffle and was officially launched on bank holiday Monday, May 3. The success of the fundraiser is crucial to the re-opening of the pool for the Summer season and is most worthy and deserving of your support as the facility is a crucial resource in the town and is one of the jewels in the crown so to speak of the town’s recreational infrastructure. The committee have sourced a vast array of prizes thanks to some generous sponsorship with Bay Sports in Athlone which is run by Charlestown native Ritchie O’Hara and Liam Cassidy, son of another good Charlestown man Seamus Cassidy who runs a very impressive GAA Sports Specific programme which offers advice and assistance on strength and conditioning all very much involved in the sponsorship of some very eye catching prizes which are sure to appeal to many out there in the community and beyond.
Local businesses in the community have also weighed in heavily behind the project offering a myriad of different prizes with something for everyone in the prize kitty you might say. Tickets cost €5 and are limited to 1500. The draw date has been fixed for the June Bank Holiday Monday which is June 7. If all the tickets are shifted in advance of that date then the draw will be moved forward to enable the public to enjoy any prize they may be lucky enough to win should they come out of the hat. There are some spectacular prizes on offer and it would be foolhardy of you to miss out with the committee keen to sell all the tickets in the quickset possible time frame.
It should be a rip-roaring success and we wish the committee well in their endeavours as they go at it hard in the next 4/5 weeks.