The AGM of the Charlestown Swimming Pool took place on Monday, November 29, with the committee reflecting on a busy and successful year for the pool despite the lingering presence of Covid-19 with a number of measures having to be put in place to facilitate its re-opening and make it accessible to the general public. The year turned out to be very successful with the pool open for the best part of thirteen weeks with the season extending into September thanks to the Indian Summer we enjoyed in late August/early September period.
The committee had to be creative in how they allowed the public access to the pool with an online booking system put in place which worked very well with people responding very positively and booking their swim times via this online forum. This proved a real winner as people turned up at their appointed times and enjoyed a swim in a very safe, structured and well managed environment with the quality of the water top class as always. The pool had a very well trained group of lifeguards in place all of whom provided top class supervision with plenty of swimming lessons being availed of for all groups from the beginners to advanced levels. Adults were also allowed to book swims in the evening at off peak times which worked very well for all concerned.
The local primary school also availed of the pool for some swimming lessons in June and this proved a real success with the children getting some valuable time in the water practising and developing their various swimming strokes.
All in all it was a good year for the hardworking, progressive committee as the pool continues to attract footfall through the doors with lots of new people availing of what’s a splendid resource located right in the heart of the town. The committee have big plans to develop the facility further in the years ahead but this requires big investment and finance with applications for funding to Leader and other such outlets ongoing and being sourced as we speak. The future of the pool looks bright with lots of good people working hard in the background to develop and enhance its potential and hats off to these people for the terrific service they are providing with the community the real winner as we have a fabulous asset on our doorstep which needs to be utilised to its full capabilities.
The following officers were elected for the coming year; chairperson Eileen McGuinness; vice-chairperson Dearbhla Cassidy; secretary Maureen McEntire; treasurer Amanda Healy; joint PRO’s Louise McBrearty and Deirdre Gordon; procurement officer Patricia McArdle.