Mayo CCC announcement

With the current level 5 restrictions in place the CCC of the Mayo County Board have cancelled all remaining club fixtures. This step was not taken lightly and it is hoped the clubs can appreciate the situation we find ourselves in during these grim times.

Under-age players are still permitted to train in non-contact pods. The county board is asking all clubs and their members to stay safe by continuing to adhere to HSE guidelines and government regulations. This statement confirms the temporary suspension of all competitions with the county which includes Junior B and under-21 championships and all the under-age leagues from under-11 to under-17 gone by the board for the immediate future.

It is yet to be clarified whether these grades can resume when the lockdown finishes on December 1, but it is unlikely in the current climate that any football will take place this side of Christmas which is a source of major disappointment to clubs, managers and players alike.