We are a group of volunteers who work alongside the National Ambulance Service responding to 999/112 emergency calls for Cardiac Arrest, Stroke, Chest Pains and Choking. providing the necessary care for the patient and Family until the Ambulance arrives.
Here is a list of our Public Access Defibrillators (PADS) in our operational area. These are stored in heated cabinets, which are checked every 2 weeks by our responders to ensure operational readiness.
They are all linked to the 112/999 emergency call. The emergency operator should tell you the nearest PAD to your location and the code for the cabinets.
Spend a few minutes, familiarising yourself and sharing with your family and friends these location’s:
Kernans Petrol Station, Main Street, Charlestown – F12 A5W5 (Cabinet is located on the external side wall of the shop)
Supermacs, Ballyhaunis Road, Charlestown – F12 K3T7 (Cabinet is located on the external front wall of the shop)
St Attractas National School, Lowpark, Charlestown – F12 T440 (Cabinet is located on the external front wall of the school)
St James Church, Charlestown – F12 EY75 (Cabinet is located in the back porch of the church)
Charlestown Sarsfields GAA Grounds – F12 R832 (Cabinet is located on the external wall of the dressing rooms behind the stand)
Grady Joinery, Brackloon, Charlestown – F12 V5Y8 (Cabinet is located on the right pillar at the main entrance)
Bushfield Church, Charlestown – F12 P236 (Cabinet is located on the external front wall of the church inside the boundary wall)
Tavneena National School, Charlestown – F12 R232 (Cabinet is located on the external front wall of the school)
Uggool Water Tower, Uggool, Kilmovee – F45 VH61 (Cabinet is located at the water tower 500m north of this Eir Code)
Glann Church, Kilkelly – F35 VH73 (Cabinet is located on the external front wall of the church)
Carracastle Childcare Centre – F45 Y205 (Cabinet is located on the external boundary wall of the childcare centre)
Please take the time to watch this short video on how to use our Defibrillators, by clicking on link below.
If you are interested in attending our Irish Heart Foundation, Heartsaver CPR/AED course in Charlestown, which are free of charge and certificated.
Please click on the link below, leave your details and we will be in touch.