First responders

The next monthly meeting of the Kilbeagh Community First Responders group has been provisionally fixed for Friday, February 21, at 8pm at St. Attracta’s National School, Lowpark, Charlestown, (to be confirmed).

This group which is a voluntary organisation, are doing terrific work in the whole area of first response to medical emergencies and they have installed a number of defibrillators in Charlestown and the outlying areas which play a crucial part in the saving of lives.

They are looking to recruit new members and anybody wishing to join or with an interest in getting involved in some capacity are most welcome to come along to the monthly meetings.

The group also have a very active Kilbeagh Community First Responders Facebook Page which contains up to date news of all their activities with regard to meetings and training programmes and such like and they are appealing for new members to come on board especially in the town.