Easter Duck Race

  Ducks are available to purchase by clicking on the link below or in businesses around Charlestown. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F9df4fe23%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ieuqalmagHzDXaFSRcRScsz0P6Gf-LaDOMEVQcHMyjv28C2BJ2_3UtUI_aem_ATTefskLIstik8NfcKYSsxHIc1f1GyeAKW8N0ZiRmjlYadw13vVjoyFOT0iNXfkj-NllQvbhqmNPxbp3EZnjm6m_&h=AT0WjP_0LEG41l3FEtv1guVj9EDQGy4ScBFAvmsAy_hTvjibcQ9L6b8PrGO6SDmHWEKJfropjDgUBed0pj0_4kMxclkeiUrQkV3L9P8tKUcoJxWPHJFOo4gPssqIxtBh3e-gmw Cost: €5 per duck or €20 for 5 ducks. A donation will be made to Mayo Roscommon Hospice with the proceeds.

Easter Bake Sale

St James Church, Charlestown Church St, Charlestown, Co Mayo, Ireland

  Charlestown Foróige 3rd year group are hosting a Bake Sale after 12 noon Mass on Easter Sunday, 31st March. Please support.