Charlestown Organic Community Garden

Charlestown’s Organic Garden is a new and exciting community focused project.

A meeting will take in Yeats County Hotel, Curry, on Saturday, 18th March at 11am to discuss the future plans for this project.

A brief PowerPoint presentation will outline what stage the project is currently at, and plans going forward. Also, there will be a quick run-through of Donor’s Charter, Mission Statement and Code of Governance. The project will need to sign up to these three documents if it is to seek a charitable status. Simply, the garden will need to receive ‘charitable status’ as it cannot rely solely on local funding. Following the presentation, a questions & answers session will take place.

Anyone interested in the development of the community garden should attend the meeting. New ideas are always welcome and community support is very much appreciated.


“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”

-Helen Keller