The future of the CBD Sports Complex is looking a little more secure following a number of virtual meetings which were held over the course of the last month.
Outgoing Chairman Luke Doherty chaired the virtual gatherings with a view to forming a steering committee and his appeals for support from the many clubs in the community who use the facility was well received in the main with several clubs and their respective members logging on and offering plenty in the way of debate and opinion on what needs to be done to make the place vibrant and active in order to broaden its appeal to the community at large.
All present were unanimous in their agreement that decisions had to be made in the very near future on what direction the building needs to take with a view to making money and keeping it viable for the foreseeable future.
Opinions were put forward which all agreed need to be explored with all present and logged in willing to get involved in a new steering committee whose first task will be to hold a meeting in the coming weeks to devise a plan of action and act on the many good suggestions and ideas that were tossed into the discussion forum at the most recent virtual gathering.
There is a willingness out there to make the place work which is good news indeed as the facility has lots to offer and is brimming with potential which the new committee hope to unleash with the creation of a new plan of action.