The recent East Mayo Athletics Club/CBD Complex 10km run/jog/walk was a wonderfully co-ordinated event with the East Mayo Athletics Club extending their heartfelt gratitude to the many volunteers who helped out in any way and to the all athletes and participants who supported and parted with their hard earned cash to take part. Thanks to Pop Up Races for their efficient service in terms of booking arrangements and their work behind the scenes.
Special thanks to Beaumont Private Ambulance Ltd for their continued support each year. Well done to Reggies Veggies who once again most kindly sponsored the fruit for the finish line which was most gratefully acknowledged by the participants and committee in unison. Thanks also to St Attracta’s Nursing Home for providing the water bottles for all entrants and well done to MC’s Donal Healy and his sidekick Declan Divilly who provided a running commentary on the finishing straight for all the participants and provided them with the inspiration and motivation to surge across the finishing line.
Special mention and sincere thanks to Liam Folliard of Murray’s Bar, The Square, Charlestown, who was the main sponsor of the event with all eyes firmly fixed on 2022 as the event continues to grow and expand and become an important part of the East Mayo Athletics Club’s yearly calendar.