Tesco Blue Token Appeal

Here’s an opportunity for you to help early years care in Charlestown when you shop in Tesco: drop your blue tokens into the Sásta collection point.

Sásta Early Learning Centre is a not-for-profit registered charity providing early years care and education in the community and caters for children from 1-6 years.

Tesco Swinford has included Sásta ELC in their Community Fund from Monday, June 12th, for eight weeks. As a community service Sásta understands that people like to shop locally – however, if you are in Tesco Swinford they’d appreciate your support.

Since 2014, Tesco Community Fund has donated nearly €2 million, and supported over 5,000 good causes countrywide, including schools, animal shelters, sports groups, elderly care centres, health organisations and much more.